Video Format in Editing



There are some standards defined for video 

broadcasting. Most countries around the World

 use one of three main Video Broadcast 


These three main standards are NTSC 

– PAL and SECAM. However, each standard is 

incompatible with the other. For example, 

a video recording made in the UK could not be played on US standard VCR’s or shown 

on the TV. The reason for this is that the UK Video Standard is PAL whereas the US Video 

Standard is NTSC.


NTSC, named after the “National Television System Committee” is the analog television system 

that was used.

in most of The Americas (except Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and French Guiana); 

Burma; South Korea; Taiwan; Japan; the Philippines and some Pacific island nations and 

territories NTSC technical format is 525 lines per frame at a frame rate of 30 frames per 

second (fps) at an aspect ratio of 720x480 pixels,

Name of movies in NTSC :

  • the town (2010)
  • I saw the devl
  • confession of murder


PAL, short for Phase Alternating Line, is a colour encoding system for analogue television

 used in broadcast television

PAL systems are much more common around the world and can be found in Australia, most 

of Western Europe, China, some parts of Africa, India, and elsewhere

PAL technical format is 625 lines per frame at a frame rate of 25 frames per second (fps) at an

 aspect ratio of 720 x 576

Name of movies in PAL

  • tomorrow when the war begins
  • total recall
  • Arjun
  • Rio


SECAM (System Electronic Pour Couleur Avec Memory) is very similar to PAL. It specifies 

the same number of scan lines and frames per second but differs in that chrominance (color). 

It is the broadcast standard for France, Russia, and parts of Africa and Eastern Europe.

HD(high definition). Its video ratio are :

  • Full HD 1980 x 1080
  • Half HD is 1280 x 720

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