
Showing posts with the label video designing

Types of Video Editing

  TYPES OF VIDEO EDITING Types of Video Editing is the process of  manipulating and rearranging video shots to  create a  new work. Editing is usually considered  to be one part of the post production process —  other post-production tasks (Make a 3D  Animation Movie) include titling, color correction,  sound mixing. TYPES OF EDITING ANALOG EDITING DIGITAL EDITING ANALOG VIDEO EDITING Analog editing is the name given to traditional tape-based video postproduction, to contrast it  with digital editing, which uses materials stored in a computer. Tape-based editing is linear  because you cannot jump instantly to any point in a videotape. To reach a desired spot from  any starting place, you must roll through every shot between those two points. On complex  projects with multiple source tapes, finding raw footage can be time-consuming. DIGITAL EDITING   Digital Editing divided in the two parts 1. Non linear editing non-linear ...

Video Format in Editing

  VIDEO BROADCAST STANDARDS There are some standards defined for video  broadcasting. Most countries around the World  use one of three main Video Broadcast  Standards.  These three main standards are NTSC  – PAL and SECAM. However, each standard is  incompatible with the other. For example,  a video recording made in the UK could not be played on US standard VCR’s or shown  on the TV. The reason for this is that the UK Video Standard is PAL whereas the US Video  Standard is NTSC. NTSC NTSC, named after the “National Television System Committee” is the analog television system  that was used. in most of The Americas (except Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and French Guiana);  Burma ; South Korea; Taiwan; Japan; the Philippines and some Pacific island nations and  territories  NTSC technical format is 525 lines per frame at a frame rate of 30 frames per  second (fps)  at an aspect ratio of 720x480 pixels...