Matte painting workshop:- Kshitij Vivan Institute, Ahmedabad


What is Matte Painting?

A matte painting is a use of paintings to present unrealistic situations or it is a presentation of an unrealistic location, set or landscape with the help of painting that allows filmmakers to create the illusion of an environment or location that is impossible to present at filming location. Basically, it is a technique that mixes art and live actions to create the illusion. 
Without this, it is too expensive or difficult to film live or make a film. 

The basic principle of matte printing is that the scene's part is masked off with digital cropping or green material. 

Nowadays, all T.V. serials and movies use matte paintings to make the film more attractive and realistic. The Wizard of Oz, The Birds, the original Star Wars films, Mary Poppins, Titanic, Nagin T.V. serial, are some of the best examples of matte paintings.  

In these movies, paintings are used to create the illusion of a village, massive artefacts, night sky etc. Matte paintings are a traditional and very useful technique in the film industry. 

Instead of spending so much money on different places, locations, matte paintings are best to create the illusion of that place or environment at that location. 

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